Marketing BS can be found in video too

No marketing channel is free of Marketing BS. And, as this parody beautifully points out, video can be one of the worst offenders.


How To Market in a World of Device A.D.D.

According to Google, 57% of the time when we’re using a smartphone, we’re using another device. And Forbes reports that when people watch TV while working on their computer, they typically spend no longer than 5 seconds on a particular screen before shifting their focus to the other.


Stop Talking to Suits


Calculating the Value of Mobile

I’ve been describing what I call the “mobile imperative” for a few years now. The mobile user experience is not an add-on. We need to deliver websites that will hold up for a few years’ time, that should work on today’s devices and those we haven’t yet seen.


2 Steps for Better Mobile Hygiene

On your way home from work, you stop at the store to pick up some more milk. As you’re walking back to your car, reflexively your iPhone appears in your hand and you swipe through a pile of emails. A clever subject line catches your attention. But what’s this? Who could possibly read this mouse type email content?! You fumble the milk as you try to pinch the screen, almost walking into another car leaving the parking lot. Forget this! You’re at your car and delete the message before you ever had a chance to see what it said.


Hip Guys and Trauma Jockeys: Knowing Your Audience as a Medical Marketer

Walk around the floor of a big orthopedic conference like AAOS and you could easily think you’ve wandered into the hardware aisle at Home Depot. Rows of metal screws, mallets, drills and electric saws are neatly arrayed on display stands. It’s a reminder of just how manual and physically demanding surgery can be.


Embrace the Muffin Top

I hesitated, then showed him my legs. Ever since I was a kid I’ve hated the little pocket of fat on the inside of each knee. “What about these?”


What’s the Opposite of Complicated? It’s Not Simple.

If you Google “uncomplicate your life” you’ll get over 2,200,000 results; change the search to “simplify your life” you get 11,100,000. These numbers suggest a yearning for an easier way, but also that most believe the answer to “complicated” is to simplify.  But is this really true?