The Best Chatbot is Worth the Wait

Shared resources almost always come before individual resources. 


Will your hospital website survive the next 18 months?

Across industries, companies are on the brink of a second wave of digital transformation, fueled by AI and emerging technologies. But in healthcare, many organizations haven’t even completed their first digital transformation. While other sectors are pushing forward with cutting-edge tools and personalized digital experiences, too many healthcare websites still struggle with the basics of content management, user experience, and accessibility.


5 ways hospitals can generate revenue, fast!

Revenue generation for Healthcare providers has never been a bigger concern than it is today. In this podcast Dan Greenwald and Dave Hallet discuss the most powerful strategies and tactics you can use to supercharge new patient acquisition.

If you’re looking for some revenue “quick wins”, along with strategies that will continue to help your patient base grow, you’ll find some valuable tips you can start using right away.