White Rhino

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The Amazon effect on healthcare marketing

First it was books and toys, then they bought Whole Foods now Amazon might be making its move into the healthcare space. But what does this mean for healthcare, and specifically hospital marketers?


Strategies to Stop Patient Leakage: Your Questions Answered

In a recent Webcast, we teamed up with Vicki J. Brown, former CMO for Joslin Diabetes Center, to discuss why patient leakage is a growing problem in healthcare and 4 marketing and service strategies for driving greater patient loyalty.

Below we've assembled answers to some of the best questions that came out of the event (watch the replay here).


Award-winning healthcare website experiences

Healthcare Internet Conference recognizes White Rhino with three platinum hospital website awards

Bold, trailblazing and first-of-their-kind projects were recognized at this year's eHealthcare Strategy Leadership Awards. White Rhino is honored to have worked on three experiences that received platinum awards in their respective categories: Overlake Medical Center's Google-like search-based website, Regional Health System's material design-inspired card-based homepage and Ochsner Health System's patient-centric reimagined quality and safety digital assessment tool.


The one emotion that matters most in healthcare marketing

We’ve established that fear is the wrong emotion in healthcare marketing. But with 31 other emotions to choose from, how do we know which is the right one to target?


Marketing BS can be found in video too

No marketing channel is free of Marketing BS. And, as this parody beautifully points out, video can be one of the worst offenders.


Dan Greenwald on "Mind Your Own Business"

White Rhino's Founder and Creative Director, Dan Greenwald, was recently invited to be the guest on the weekly "Mind Your Own Business" radio show where he shared his insights on the changes taking place in Marketing during his twenty years of building White Rhino, the most important factor in creating a successful "Brand", the thankful end of the lines between "B2B" and "B2C" and most importantly, hope for all kids that grow up with both parents with Ph.Ds in Pyschology.


Welcome to Cliché Hell

Have you read Dan Brown’s new book? Inferno is a lot like The Da Vinci Code, only this time all the action swirls around Dante Alighieri, his epic poem The Divine Comedy, and its infamous nine circles of Hell.


Hip Guys and Trauma Jockeys: Knowing Your Audience as a Medical Marketer

Walk around the floor of a big orthopedic conference like AAOS and you could easily think you’ve wandered into the hardware aisle at Home Depot. Rows of metal screws, mallets, drills and electric saws are neatly arrayed on display stands. It’s a reminder of just how manual and physically demanding surgery can be.