Posted by White Rhino

With trade shows cancelled, sales teams across B2B are scrambling to find new ways to engage prospects and replenish their pipeline.

Virtual trade shows are one viable option. But, for many prospects, one more Zoom meeting is the last thing they want to engage with. So how can you stand out in a sea of companies vying for your audience's time online? 

Unsurprisingly, Google seems to be onto something.

Searches for the word "Tiger" are through the roof in recent weeks. Why is Google becoming the World's most visited animal sanctuary? It's not for the reason you think.

In the wake of having a little more time on our hands recently, people have discovered a trick that Google rolled out in the past year. Forget watching Tigers on Neflix, you can put real live tiger right in your living room.

Ok, well it's not really alive. But the realism of the graphics most certainly makes it feel that way. And it's far simpler than you might think. There's no app to download. You can launch an augmented reality tiger directly from the top of Google search results.


(Having trouble? See here)

But wait!

Before you spend the afternoon playing with tigers, lions, sharks and more (and forget to come back to this article), take a moment to think about what this means for your sales team.

Imagine a day when:

  • Your product shows up in the top of Google search results because your landing page features a 3D model of your product (or product architecture diagram if you're a software company).
  • Prospects are more likely to click through because: who doesn't want to play with a 3D object versus read a web page from your competitors?
  • What's more, prospects can put the model right in front of them and interact with hotspots to learn more about the product features.

That day is here right now, thanks to Google

While SnapChat has allowed these types of AR objects for some time, integration with Google search results changes the story.

Does this mean sales reps are out of a job? No way. Augmented reality (AR) makes for a more engaged prospect - and more productive sales call. After all, people remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, but 80% of what they see and do. 



White Rhino is a digital engagement agency that specializes in designing immersive tools to create intimate sales connections that accelerate the buyer's journey. Contact us to experience the augmented reality sales tools  we are working on right now.

If you can dream it, we can build it.

Topics: Technology, B2B, Addictive Experience